So, What's New?
This isn't to say that other games aren't played it's just that these games are played longer and more time is taken to actually do things in game when compared to quick check-ins. So here's the status to date.
Be The Hero
A slight break was taken from playing games though some won't see it as much of a break since games were still being played; just cut back on the time played. Then one day while looking for a pick me up to get out of a creative rut, a game was selected to revisit. Of the list of games Hero Wars was selected and things were set in motion.
When this game was first introduced, Fashland was currently being played and there was an option to earn special currency by visiting and playing Hero Wars for x-amount of time. The then temp game soon took over and December 2018 marked my 1 year anniversary of playing. Within this time 3 guilds were explored, the tower was finally conquered, summoned a super titan and finally got a hero to absolute status.
The guild thing literally occurred within months and it wasn't even a full half year yet. Guild A was great and I was starting to change my mind about the whole over competitive thing in guilds but that quickly dissipated once the guild made it into gold and felt my level wasn't high enough. Guild B was the best as it was geared toward newcomers so not a lot of pressure was present which made it a nice place to be.
However; somewhere down the line the guild changed hands and I was again without a guild. No rush in joining another especially with the way things were so solo mode it was from then on out. Then an event came up on the calendar that I really wanted if not needed to participate in and being part of a guild was needed.
So the leap was made and things haven't changed much since outside of me being upgraded to Guild Leader after the original took leave. As an added bonus (sort of) the web version of the game was also taken for a test spin. Hero-Wars dot com is a new comer to the platform family and has a little more perks available.
One of the things that stoodout for me was the Emperor's Decree which is a lot easier to complete when compared to its Facebook counterpart. Since it's independent of the other platforms you'll be starting from scratch. What transpired this time around was the fact that I was able to get one of my characters up to 4 Star status before reaching Level 20 - which was within 2 - 3 days.
A major difference considering on FB it took close to 11 months to even see some sort of dent made in the star levels for any of the characters. It's a welcome change; however, it will still be slow go as the same issues persist: drop rates and gold earnings.
Paradise Extravaganza
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Playing with the crops. |
A brief intro was provided some time ago but I've had some time to fully immerse into the game to see what it had to offer. Much to my delight it has a nice balance of attractions that aren't solely reliant on farming. Not to say farming isn't part of the game as you'll be farming to grow material needed for crafting and cooking...and some forging if I'm using that correctly.
To date I've participated in two major events and managed to make it to Level 20 without over stressing on obtaining items to complete tasks. It's been two months but feels like a year. There are ups and downs most of which revolve around wait times and access to much needed items.
You'll learn quick that it's best to hold on to as well as use parts needed for upgrading the two store houses: Silo and Boathouse. In the beginning they stay manageable but after a while they will fill faster than you can keep up especially during special events. Your boosts that you'll earn around Level 18 or 19 will consume storage in your Boathouse so try to use them as often as you can and try to pair them with other boosts to get the most out of them; like using the 3min timer with exp and crafting point boosts.
If I'm remembering correctly the cruise becomes available around these levels as well and depending on the theme special items are added to the workshops which match. So far I have experienced the 1920s and the Circus. A special thing to note about the cruise is that there are two types of guests: those without a time limit and those with a time limit.
Some of the timed ones are doable while others...not so much. You don't necessarily have to have a lot of people in your beach club (which is a requirement for participation) to meet the goals but they do help.
Making the Rounds
When the fall back was initiated, Hero Wars and Fashland was on the radar. Fashland fell by the wayside and FarmVille Tropic Escape came into view. Hero Wars is a welcome surprise especially with the introduction of the dedicated game site.This time around all heroes are on the same level (35 at the moment), majority of their skills are maxed for their current level and just about all are on blue level. FarmVille Tropic Escape is another welcome surprise as there's a good bit of variety in terms of activities that keep players engaged in gameplay. Hopefully in the upcoming weeks Mall World can be added back to the ranks.
Haven't explored any new games of late but hope to find some gems in the rough when the schedule levels out. Till next time, game on.
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