Throne Rush
Started browsing some old games I use to play on Facebook and started playing Candy Crush again. After that, I experimented with UNO; it was okay. Then I looked into games that I could start playing even if it didn't involve long gaming sessions.
While browsing, I remember seeing a game that was featured some time ago I started playing Hero Wars. It's not new, but Throne Rush seemed like an interesting choice. I was set to play but then discovered I had to switch to another because my current go-to didn't have flash.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
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Town Day 1. Construction in progress with incomplete wall. |
Day 1 of playing and it was interesting to say the least. It was a learning curve but discovered if I stuck to the missions everything will fall in place. At least that was the line of thinking at time.
Everything was easy to grasp and understand after a couple of completed missions. Rather quickly the importance of gold and bread became apparent. Gold and Bread are common currencies that are produced by the mines and mills respectively.
Red Gems, or rubies if you want, are a special currency which you are granted a small amount at the start of play. They are used to speed up construction on building and upgrades. At the end of the gaming session I was Level 10 and was pondering if I should go for the bundle special.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
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Town at end of Day 2. Hey look, walls! |
Day 2 and that introductory bundle is looking pretty tempting. Why? Well the one I'm eyeing gives you an extra builder to help move things along in the construction department.
Is it really that big a deal you ask? Why yes, it is a big deal because at the moment I only have one and in order to get a second I need to upgrade the housing area of the builder. However, that requires red gems which I don't have a lot of so it's pretty significant at this point.
Any who, second day of play went a little smoother and I had a better grasp of locations and what to do. I fortified my town by completing the wall, it was half done, and then upgraded the wall. Next came some re-arranging of structures and some upgrades to buildings.
Learned on Day 1 that it's best to focus on upgrades that can be completed within minutes and leave the ones that takes hours for last. Namely for when you sign off for the day. The mines and mills are major life savers as they continuously produce the resources you need and all you have to do is collect.
There is a map with missions similar in style to the aforementioned Candy Crush. However, the challenge/difficulty aspect of each location thus far is comparable to Bakery Blitz. By this, I mean things start off simple enough but almost immediately difficulty shoots through the roof; and I'm still on the first map.
Progress is still being made though some necessities are difficult to come by.
Monday, April 20, 2020
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Town at end of Day 3. |
Collected from mines and did some upgrades but noticed my town came under attack twice after the immunity shield lifted. That's four attacks total and I've only been playing for three days now. Still have the one builder which slows things down severely as you can only construct/upgrade one structure at a time.
To compact things further the upgrade times increase with each level. Haven't done much outside of recruiting, upgrading, rearranging things along with watching the replays of each past raid on my town. They're still in my inbox and I haven't found a way to delete them yet.
Brought the walls in closer since it appeared as all enemy troops were starting their attacks from inside the walls rather than the outside. Not sure how this will help but I'll see when I check in again on Tuesday.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
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Town at end of Day 4. Compromised with walls. |
Signed in to see a fifth raid on my town; lovely. Any who, I collected from my mines and windmills. Rearranged and upgraded some stuff and I purchased a second barn; just in time too.
As mentioned earlier I did some upgrades. I upgraded my Canon to L2, my non-L3 tower, the mines, one of the barracks, the forge and the gargoyle tower. In addition to these, part of the wall was upgraded as well.
One of the main things that was observed, as mentioned in a previous section, is that you have to pick and choose your upgrades. Some upgrades are shorter in time than others which means my focus is usually on the ones that can be done during my usual session. If it's going to take a while, then I will save those for overnight.
Also noticed that this strange popup window keeps surfacing saying my internet connection has failed and that I need to reload. Very strange considering I haven't had an issue with the other games I play but after a while it goes away. Still learning and trying to get into the swing of things.
Currently, I'm trying to save up some gold for upgrading my castle to L5 so the other stuff can be expanded upon. At the end of the day, some new structures were added and the castle enclosed. The layout will do for now as additional wall building material won't be available till later when I'm able to upgrade the castle.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
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Town at end of Day 5. Major achievement right here. |
Another day and another attack on the town. Did awake to a much welcome surge in gold which was enough to upgrade my castle. Since construction began in the morning it will be complete by tonight.
Upgrade of castle is complete and I proceeded to upgrade one of my barns and the remaining walls. To top it off, I enclosed my canon using some left over and new wall pieces. There was a reward wheel in game today too that awarded some interesting items which are needed; didn't know this till I visited the storage area.
I went on to upgrade my mines to increase production and upgraded the second treasury I got Tuesday. It was pretty much a standard day with me upgrading buildings and spinning the prize wheel. Got a new building called Phoenix Lair and I plopped it down next to the castle.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
It is Day 6 and it's the first that I've sign on to 0 (zero) attacks. First order of business was to upgrade both treasuries as I was at capacity; they were L3 yesterday. I'm getting the upgrades that take minutes out of the way before tackling those that take an hour or more.
Next came upgrades to the walls surrounding the castle along with the second barn. Upgrading troops in the Forge and was going to do something else but decided to sign off early for the day.
Friday, April 24, 2020
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Day 7. Just upgrading saving for more upgrading. |
Despite getting a day off, I signed on to see that my town was attacked. Not only that but Phoenix Lair has vanished. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
Over these past seven days, I have upgraded structures, played through the map (sparingly) and have upgraded troops. A major difference is that I haven't claimed the free chests since Day 4. Like Nexters Global's other games, free gifts are given daily which I love.
So far today I managed to complete a map quest thanks to some bonus troops I got Thursday from the Phoenix Lair sign-in. I've upgraded the Barns, a Mine, The Tavern and possibly the outside tower. Nothing new outside of upgrades and collecting resources.
Closing Thoughts
Throne Rush is an interesting online game that you can play solo. However, almost immediately it becomes apparent that groups of players like the attack towns aspect a little too much. Then there's the upgrade system.
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Overview of Town and resources. |
You are granted a single builder to help construct and upgrade items. If you want a second you have to upgrade the builder house and yes there's a catch. In order to upgrade the builder house, you need the lone builder you have at current along with 120 red gems.
All other structures that I have at current only need gold and bread which is great. More than anything you have to upgrade your mines, mills, store houses (treasury and barn), walls and most importantly your castle. Having an upgraded castle ensures you're able to upgrade other structures past a certain point.
Upgrading mines and mills ensures your resource production is at its peak and upgrading store houses ensures you can take in lots of resources. Upgrade your walls as soon as you can followed by your defense structures. My defense structures include 3 Towers, a Canon and Gargoyle Tower.
I closed out Day 7 at Level 16 which means diddly squat but it's a nice accomplishment in itself. While I've only played for seven days, it left much to be desired. There are workarounds for building and upgrading with one builder, which includes selective upgrading.
The gaming experience thus far has been interesting. While engaging, it's more suitable for short gaming sessions. Haven't quite gotten to the bare bones of gameplay yet, but at the moment it's a nice city builder.
I will continue to play for a while and if something new and interesting shows up I'll share the details.
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