Hero Wars became one of my go to games as soon as I was introduced back in November 2017. From 2017 to July 2020, I've played on FB and Web. There was an attempt on FB to start over with a F2P (Free to Play) account but that fell through rather abruptly.
Despite giving up, it felt like I didn't give the F2P restart a chance especially since I was focusing on the wrong things. Or rather, too many things at once. On August 1, work began on what would become my F2P account; and this time, it would be on the Web platform.
The following sections document my progress over the course of 14-days. There is a goal in mind, but even I'm not sure of what it is at this point.
August 1 - 3
Hero Wars Team
After creating a new account on one of the new servers I set to work on building a team. Galahad, Artemis and Thea were my first earned heroes. After them came Astaroth, Arachne, Nebula, Phobos, Aurora, Luther, Maya and Ginger.
Everyone except Arachne and Ginger are Level 25. A bit different from what I've done in the past on other accounts where I was focusing on any and everything. The first two skills of each hero is built up to the current level.
My main five are the only ones with artifacts at the moment. They have their weapon artifact built up to Level 26. Expeditions are completed daily even though I'm limited to three a day on account of my team level which is 23 at the moment.
I'm collecting as many items as I can without collecting experience as I don't want to move up just yet. Gold is still an issue; however, I'm spending it more wisely this time around. Nothing major taking place at this point in time as it's a work in progress.
August 4, 5
My main five heroes (Astaroth, Aurora, Nebula, Thea and Artemis) are at Blue level. My team level has reached L30 and my mains are L30 as well. I created my own guild so that I could get access to the Glyphs feature.
Joining probably would've been better but I'm nowhere near a level, both character and resource-wise, to join a guild. Especially since many already have high requirements of which I won't be able to meet. Before you say it, the emeralds came from the Emperor's Decree task.
As I'm going through the grind a recurring issue continues to show itself: gold limitations. While there is the Emerald Exchange, it doesn't help as much. To top it off, I now have three titans of which I don't have to worry about spending gold on them at this time.
Things are going slow but steady. I'm working on upgrading my heroes to Blue +1. At the moment, their weapon artifacts are being worked on.
August 6 - 8
All five of my main heroes are at Blue +1. Fortunately there was a gift link for soul stones and energy recently so that helped a lot. I'm keeping up with the Airship missions but the amounts at the moment are on the low side.
Doing the energy spending thing so that I can get runes to upgrade glyphs. It really helps to have something to do on the side as you can't really raid campaigns for fragments so it's highly slow going; unless your heroes are at a point where they can take down opponents with one hit. Haven't touched the titans yet as my main focus at this time is on my heroes.
At this point, it's just grinding and hoping I find what is needed in the shops with the non-gold currencies.
August 8 was a day of firsts. A great deal of restraint was practiced and focus has remained on my mains. This session has been filled with grinding and upgrading.
By the day's end, all of my mains were at Blue +2 with the first two skills maxed for their current level. My heroes' level matches my team level of 37 which is a first considering the other accounts are way off. As an added bonus, I managed to complete the Tower on the first try.
Not only was the Tower completed but all my heroes were alive. Hopefully by August 9 I will have at least one hero at Violet level. It's currently a tie between Artemis and Thea, as I have most of the gear needed to upgrade; however, one of the gear items requires them to be in the level 40 range.
August 9 - 10
These past few days yielded some interesting results. This is the first that I've been able to participate in the Tower daily and have the same results of completing without issue and without hero loss. I'm still on Level 37 with my heroes and team level.
Slowly but surely I'm working on their skins, glyphs, GoE and artifacts. It's fast approaching a standstill as the only way to upgrade the heroes at this point is to rush to the 40s which isn't possible. A major positive is the fact that I still have some resources which is great especially for when I venture onto other heroes after getting this group built up.
Not sure where I'll be by Day 14 but hoping for some substantial progress beyond where I am at the moment.
August 11 - 15
Oy! The progress is a lot different than I was expecting but I am close to level 40. Well, I'm on Level 39 but it's still something. My main five at this point are maxed up to the team level.
No potions were needed because I'm using the main team in campaigns. Everybody goes up a level at the same time so that gives me one less thing to worry about. Artifacts are slow going, but the goal of focusing on the weapon artifact for the main team is holding up.
Everyone has all of their gear and are ready for their Violet promotion when it comes time. Skills are maxed, Glyphs are somewhat built up along with some skins. On the bright side, an amazing titan event was launched.
I was able to collect some much needed titan soul stones which enabled me to complete some tasks in the Quests section. Not only that, but I got some new avatars and super titan Eden.
Some Observations
Despite the ill-fated first attempt at F2P, this second attempt was more fruitful. When you focus on a small group of heroes, your resources go a long way. Gold was an issue at the start, but once things were caught up, it wasn't a serious problem anymore.
Since everyone was on team level, I was able to clear Tower on the first attempt and have been clearing it ever since. A major change is going through Tower on manual, which I never did on my other two accounts. I use 'did' because I don't do Tower much, if at all, on those accounts; but plans are in the works to correct this.
Grinding for gear is slow going while using the Campaign route. That said, it helps to have something on the side to occupy you while going through each mission. I can say this now because I'm not on the higher mission levels.
Collect and save emeralds as much as possible and seize any opportunity to obtain them. Emperor's Decree was easier to complete so I collected 300 Emeralds from that. Then there were starter missions that rewarded Emeralds along with daily check-ins.
My Level 39 account with Emeralds, Gold and Energy.
Artifact Chests, Hero Chests and Summon Titans missions reward Emeralds after completing the objective of summoning with emeralds. All those tasks combined brought my balance to a little over 3K - 4K; there were also starter missions that rewarded emeralds too. A portion of the emeralds was used in the Guardians of Outland event and some was used in the current Riotous Growth event.
Hero Wars F2P isn't as bad as I was expecting, but it is a far cry from my pre-Hero Wars F2P experience; my prior experience had me severely spoiled. I will continue with the account and will likely update when I reach Level 45 or 50. Though I should probably wait till I get access to ToE.
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