Just a General Hero Wars Update
Haven't been doing much in terms of upgrading heroes. I pulled back a bit after remembering that Winterfest was, at that time, around the corner. So, what was I doing in the game all this time?
Doing Stuff in Game Like...
Participating in Events
Well, sort of. There were some events that I marked my calendar for and forgot about them. For example, the Amira event which I'm upset about missing.
After this came some hero rework announcements along with some matching events and Ascension stuff. Of course there were several seasons that came about too. The results for these events were mediocre at best.
I remember the days when I would put in lots of effort and time to complete each event to maximize the rewards. Now, it's like I can't bring myself to that level of energy any more. Though the recent hero themed events, the 7-day ones, left a lot to be desired.
Osh Fights
I've been doing some experiments with the Osh fights but the results were random at best. They weren't anything major like changing team compositions, but more along the lines of claiming and not claiming buffs. One of the things I noticed while examining my notes was that I got my two low hitting teams mixed up during the last fight in November.
The cause for this was that I wasn't using my notebook and was trying to assemble the teams by memory. The top 3, on the other hand were easy to remember. Despite this snafu, I still met my typical damage numbers. I did correct the team setup during the December 15-17 Osh fight.
Taking Inventory and Hero Soul Stone Assessments
There was a lot of stuff coming up outside of the game, so there were some things that went under the radar. When I finally got some down time, I went in and looked things over. There was stuff in my inventory that I didn't know was in there.
It was tempting to just go in and use everything that could be used until I remembered, at the time, Winterfest was coming. After that crazy adventure, I examined my heroes to see who was where with evo. There were some heroes in my roster that weren't past 3-stars and some that were sitting on 5-stars.
A handful of the 5-stars aren't going to be evolved anytime soon as their soul stones aren't available in the chests yet. So I'm kind of hoping to hit the jackpot with the Soul Atrium some day. As for everyone else, I'm waiting for an event.
December 24, 2023
Winterfest is in full swing, we got a new hero named Polaris, the new town square design looks amazing with snow, plus Corvus and Morrigan got Winter Skins. Like Winterfest 2022, we got tasks related to upgrading the new hero. The reward for successful completion is a nice sum of baubles.
As I'm writing this, she's currently Violet +3 at Level 100 (remnants of another experiment). I'm stuck on that dreaded Book of Fate item which needs two Book of Prophecies and two Book of Tales. On an interesting note, I used her in one of my light hitting Osh teams.
It wasn't an experiment per se, but I needed a replacement for Kayla whose GoE was reset. The original team consisted of Kayla, Andvari, Dante, Sebastian and Aidan with Fenris as team pet. I replaced Kayla with Polaris.
Surprisingly enough, she was a nice replacement and worked well with the other heroes. I had to go back and watch the replay to see her skills in action [as a reminder I skip fights]. I really like Glacial Fortress but kind of wish it was her ultimate. That said, the damage output remained in the 2-million range.
December 26, 2023
Things are starting to come to a crawl with Winterfest. Bauble earning has dropped since I'm struggling to get Polaris upgraded. She's currently at Orange and the items needed to get her to Orange +1 are a pain.
I'm currently working on getting the materials needed to craft the Panoptic Orbs (she needs 2 for this stage and another for the next). Despite using the energy potions and energy gifts, the materials aren't surfacing. To top it off the drop rates are ridiculous.
For the time being, I've pulled back on the sending gifts tasks. The only gifts I'm sending currently are the Light and Dark Titan boxes. There are Light and Dark titan seasons currently active and the only place you can get experience for them is the titan gift boxes (there are two by the way).
December 28, 2023
Managed to get one Panoptic Orb crafted. Started working on the second but as mentioned on the 26th, the drop rates could be better. I also got my Winter Claus gift: Cleaver. To paint a picture I selected emeralds, Totem fragment and Cleaver from the letter.
It's gotten to the point where they should either gift all three items or just let us choose one. The randomness is too much. There were also two events that took place both of which I managed to finish just by doing what I normally do in game.
Unfortunately, much like the late arrival of the piggy bank, we got a Demon Dolls event. While I don't mind the Demon Dolls, the Charged Dolls would've been much better. The winter story is still ongoing and I'm completely lost on the story. I mean I get it, but I also don't get it.
In addition to this, we got a sneak peek at things to come in January 2024. Well, a general overview of what we can expect with no dates attached; at least not yet.
December 30, 2023
As an unexpected turn of events I went back to my web account on December 29 to check-in. Fairly late for Winterfest - as well as Winter Claus - but I wanted to see what was going on. I jumped in and completed as many tasks as possible.
My focus for my web account is still my main five heroes. There was a secondary team but work paused on them. As a result, I was able to get Polaris upgraded to meet some of the minimums for the event.
Needless to say, I managed to accumulate 116, 500 Winterfest Coins before I began testing. The testing was to see what the drop rates were for the Hero Upgrade Box. It was difficult to figure out on my Facebook account since the sampling numbers were small.
So I spent the Winterfest Coins and got 155 Hero Upgrade Boxes. Spending alone got me 310 Polaris soul stones. Opening the boxes yielded 16 Polaris prizes which equaled 160 soul stones.
With this, I got Polaris to 5-stars. As a result, I earned more baubles and purchased an additional 16 boxes. Of the 16, Polaris dropped once but earned 32 soul stones just for purchasing the box.
Thanks to this purchase, I was able to Absolute Star Polaris. This is the first Winterfest hero that I've gotten to Absolute during the designated event. In total, plus the 8-boxes that were received prior to this, I opened around 179 Hero Boxes.
Of course, more baubles were earned and I wound up dropping 84 Hero Boxes on one of my guildmates. There were also some titan, ascension and skin stone gifts in the mix. I checked in very late for this event and was trying to make up where I could.
Facebook (FB) on the other hand, Polaris got to 5-stars and stayed there. In my defense, I went blank and completely forgot about the final day bonus. The titan events I didn't go too far with those and pretty much stopped trying to get experience for both them and the current season event.
There was no gas left in the tank, and I couldn't bring myself to put in any more effort. With that said, I was able to get some resources for my heroes, titans and pets.
Additional Stuff from the Hero Boxes
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Comparison of Web and FB droprate percentages based on my Hero Wars accounts. |
While my focus was on getting Polaris Soul Stones, I also got some other items as well from the Hero Upgrade Box. They include: Great Enchantment Runes, Artifact Scroll, Essence and Metal Chests, Gold, Artifact Coins, Huge XP potions, Chaos Cores and Equipment Fragment Chests.
I had to do a math refresher to make sure I was doing the math right as I haven't dealt with percentages extensively. The drops for the Rune, Artifact Essence, Gold and Huge XP potions were above 10-percent. Everything else was below 10-percent. Normally this would be an instant gripe; however, there was a somewhat decent return on Winterfest coin investments.
That said, I got curious about my Facebook drops and decided to do some more math to see where that account stood in comparison. Needless to say, the percentages were different. As a note, I got 73 gifts and 34 of those were Hero Boxes.
Note: I got the following formula from a search that came close to what I was asking for. I divided the quantity for each item by the total number of boxes. Then I multiplied the result by 100. Example from the web table for Polaris SS: (17/179)*100 = 9.50. Formula came from Drop Chance Calculator Google search snippet.
Closing Thoughts and Ramblings
My apologies for the sudden shift in format. The original intention of the post was to give a quick overview of what I've been up to in the game. This changed at the last moment, for me at least, when I got sidetrack by a hectic schedule.
As result, I just started documenting my activities as best I could since solid dates weren't attached. Just general time frames. So after the inventory discussion, I started talking about what I did in-game during Winterfest every two days.
Winterfest 2023
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Polaris' status on Facebook. |
Like past major events, there were also mini events taking place at the same time that were somewhat easy to complete alongside Winterfest Missions. That said, I did some damage to some of my main heroes in the process on both platforms. There were a handful of heroes on FB that got their GoE (Gift of the Elements) reset.
Fortunately, there were only five heroes with maxed GoE on web so one was selected for reset (sorry Lian). I was a bit concerned that there was going to be a setback with Osh but things turned out better. Prior to this, the max damage for my main team - the one Lian's from - hovered in the 8-million range.
After Lian's reset, the team's damage output spiked into the 9-million range; and, this is without buffs. And like my FB account, I decided to throw Polaris into a team. Don't get too excited on this one as there are very little heroes built up (level and rank-wise) on this account outside of my main team and Iris.
To top it off, I just threw heroes together after attacking with my main team. As a note, this is for December 29-31 Osh fights. I haven't done the fights for FB yet but I'm sure they're going to be the same or similar as the December 22-24 fight.
On another interesting note: it would appear that rank upgrades for Polaris on both FB and Web were the same [see below]. Not looking forward to future item upgrades; or at least the grind aspect of obtaining them.
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Polaris' status on Web |
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