Hero Wars Dominion June Log

May 31 - June 2: Down the Winter Lane Brawl Event

Day 2 - Rufus Brawl

Of my 29-fights, I had 6-timeouts and one genuine loss. For some strange reason, in my mind at least, the timeouts are counted as losses rather than just a timeout or even a tie.

What was even more annoying, was discovering that I couldn't go back to review the first set of fights where the timeouts occurred. I came on some time after 1:00 AM but before 2:00 AM EST. Granted I took notes, but not thoroughly; namely team compositions.

After the first set of fights, I got curious and got some extra lives to see if they - the timeouts - would surface again. This time with an assist from Hero Wars Central discord channel I got a single loss and a single timeout. These fights I did document and now, for the first time in what feels like forever, I'm actually excited about Day 3 of the event.

Day 3 - Chabba Brawl

I am quite shocked with myself on this one. On day one of the brawl, I said something along the lines of taking or leaving the brawl events as they weren't a favorite. Not sure what caused this spark of interest but I'm blaming Rufus on this.

Seriously though, the Rufus Brawl portion got me curious and more interested than what I've been in a while with the brawl event. The Chabba portion of the brawl actually had me doing something I haven't done, in what I'm guessing, since the Judge Brawl: team testing. A major improvement for me was stepping outside of my familiar zone and using heroes I don't use on a daily basis if at all.

Out of 24 fights, I got 1-loss and 1-timeout which counted as a loss for some reason. Would still love for timeouts to be counted as something different than a loss/win. Preferably as a tie that doesn't count as a loss nor win for either combatant.

June 3 to 9: The Simple Events

I like how the devs gave an overview of the upcoming events from June 3rd to the 9th. It reminded me of a past game, kind of, where we got a layout of expected events the month prior. Anyway, Cosmic Season launched on the 3rd followed by Foundations of Power and Legacy of the Great Ones.

After this came Time of the Fearless and Guardians of Outland. Wasn't expecting anything more until an announcement about a promised feature going live, Guild Prestige, on June 5th. It's still early so I don't have much to say about the new feature that'll make sense at this point in time.

June 18th

After some time, I found Prestige to be less of a headache than previous expectations. Which is a good thing. With that said, its design is geared toward group participation. 

Meaning, there are more bonuses if you're with an active group of players within a guild setting. Granted there are things for solo players; however, this focus on group participation is becoming annoying.

June 24th

Area of Conquest

Area of Conquest Dominion Castle Screen
Area of Conquest Castle Level
The plan was to check in earlier after the announcement of this new Area of Conquest event to give an overview based on the provided info. After multiple re-reads, I decided to wait until after the event started. Good thing I did because based on what I was reading, I had something completely different in mind based on the information provided.

Based on the capture locations bit, I was thinking of past multiplayer events from other games with players running around a map (you can actually see them running around) capturing and gathering stuff. Well, that isn't the case but at least guilds were paired accordingly.

To rewind, Area of Conquest is a cross-server event that's open to all guilds regardless of league placement. In addition to this, guilds were paired with similar guilds. Interestingly enough, I was paired with three other guilds that had a low active player count; 1 to 3 which is spot on for me.

Guild Prestige

Unsurprisingly, Prestige and Guild Activity statistics are equal. Titanite activity is low; however, thanks to Prestige milestone boxes my dungeon participation has increased. Well, it's higher than it has been in years.

I actually like this new addition, though it would be nice if the rewards were more meaningful. The low single digit amounts really need to go. I'd settle for a five at minimum as asking for 10 might look like I'm asking for too much.

Return to the Campaign

The campaign hasn't been visited since late 2023. Today...well, on the 20th, I started doing campaigns again. I was stuck on Heart of the Capital during the last visit and was able to complete the mission with 2-stars. From there, I progressed along and reached the Careful Steps area which involves collecting Shard of the Elements.

I'm relatively behind on the campaign in general since I don't participate on a consistent basis. Plus, due to the repeat breaks I've taken over the years, I haven't been earning resources to upgrade heroes like I'm suppose to. That said, I'm starting to go back to doing things the way I use to from when I first started playing.

June 27th

Cosmic Battle and Yasmine Event

The Cosmic Battle ban phase was yesterday, and the main event started today. Once again, my main team was disrupted during the ban phase where one of main five got banned. Normally a no biggie, but it was quickly discovered that things weren't going to as expected.

It's a 3-day event, yet I'm not even sure I'm going to see this particular event thru. Who knows, I might actually surprise myself and jump in again. 

The Yasmine event was live also, and I was able to complete a good bit of the tasks. Got a nice sum of coins which were redeemed for some blue random insignia chests.

Area of Conquest

While PVP (player vs player) cross-server events for all was requested prior, this is likely not what many had in mind. Based on the preview info, I was envisioning players running around a map capturing strongholds and trying to take down enemy homebases. That was not the case.

AoC, in my opinion, felt like an expanded edition of Guild Wars with some perks. The main objective was to capture towns to earn event coins which are then used to upgrade your guild's castle level. What did you get for leveling up?

A chance to claim a reward. While nice, it would've been cool if leveling up equated to a stat and or bonus being unlocked; but that's just me.

June 30th

Pretty much just wrapped up whatever event(s) I was working on and made plans for July. Slowly but surely I'm getting back to my old gaming self. I'm actually keeping up with daily tasks for a change and am completing the dungeon daily.


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