Hero Wars Dominion: July and August Log

In a nutshell, July wasn't my month. While it wasn't bad, it wasn't good either. Did my best to keep up with the events, Prestige and whatever else was going on in-game. Top highlight for the month was getting some much needed resources from the events.

August is a different story. I set a goal of checking in daily for my main account (Facebook) along with my Web account. Only missed a day with the main but kept up with Web. On top of this, I wanted to go back to participating in the campaigns again for my main account.

From June 20 to August 20

It was mentioned back in June about my return to the campaigns, but it was slow going when it got to the collect shards bit. Campaign participation was on and off to say the least. Some time around the 16th of August, I jumped back in more fully. Meaning I was actually playing with a purpose.

I got stuck on Light of Love during last check in but was able to complete it this time around. From here, I powered thru the remaining missions. The battle with Seymour, Eternal Darkness, was all that was left.

The first couple of attempts didn't go too well, so I revisited some past 2-star missions to see if I could get them to 3-stars. There were only two: Heart of the Capital and Light of Love. Wasn't expecting much, but did make an interesting discovery while playing thru the Capital - Auto is your friend.

At least it is when used well. Okay, not well well but for the sake of timing. For me, Auto is a way to avoid the pitfalls of out of the blue lag and sometimes for multitasking purposes. In the case of timing, I used it to get my heroes to ult at the same time.

It didn't work well at first, but after changing my team things turned for the better. My main team - that I rarely change - consists of Galahad, Aurora, Maya and Nebula with Thea and Artemis on rotation (Celeste and Cornelius were added later for rotation). This lineup started to change when I got to Path of Madness.

That was a major resource dump that went into two additional heroes. Anyway, I changed my typical lineup by replacing Aurora and the rotation heroes. Polaris and Keira were added which was scary considering they weren't as built up as the others.

I went back to Light of Love first with this new lineup to attempt a 3-star run. I fared a little better but started to utilize the controlled auto approach and got met my goal. After this, I did the same for the Capital and got the goal there as well.

Seymour team consisting of Fenris as team pet, Polaris with Khorus patronage, Nebula with Cain patronage, Keira with Vex patronage, Maya with Albus patronage and Galahad with Fenris patronage.
My main team, altered version that was used to
fight Seymour
With these two missions behind me, I revisited Seymour. There were several attempts during my scheduled gaming session over the course of 3-days. Finally, toward the end of my session on the final day did I manage to beat Seymour.

So that was a crowning achievement in itself and a big sigh of relief and I wasn't looking forward to doing another resource dump.

August 21 to September 2

Osh Fights

I was just doing random stuff in game to complete tasks for the current events. The Osh fight results for August 23 - 25 showed that some improvements were made with my fight teams for both my Web and FB accounts. FB was my main focus for a while until I went back to playing on my first Web account during the August 2 - 4 Osh fight.

Over the course of August, my damage output for Osh has steadily increased. With that said, the results vary each week. Moreover, there are weeks where the buffs tend to do more harm than good.

That said, I'm trying to shift focus to one of my low hitting teams for my Web and FB accounts so they can do a little more damage.

Reviving the Forgotten

Web is the only platform where I play on more than one server. Counting the first/main account, I have five total across five servers. On September 1st, I went back and visited the neglected four. On September 2nd, I went to see where all the accounts stood and started completing some missions to get them mostly up to speed.

While going thru the forgotten accounts (2 - 5), it was discovered that two have VIP and two do not. In addition to this, only one has a golden ticket. As another interesting find, it was discovered that on my second account, I had an Earth Spirit Totem waiting to be awaken.

On top of this I had a Lesser Spirit Totem summoning sphere in my inventory. This means that my once neglected account has a 2-star spirit totem while all of the others (mainly the 106 and two 130s), including the FB main, only has a 1-star totem. I am without words for this.

I mean, the main FB account is the oldest out of all of them and only has the one with 1-star and I'm active on there almost daily. Anyway, I'm starting back with playing on all of my accounts as of today.

Looking Forward Into September

The only thing that is for certain for the month, is that I'll be playing a little more than usual. Hopefully I'll remember to take more screen captures this time around of my progress at the moment rather than much later. No major goals for the accounts outside of obtaining much needed resources.

Other than that, I should be back either at the end of the month or near the early part of October with some updates. Needless to say, I will be asking Winter Claus for a totem fragment this year...again.


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