Hero Wars Dominion: September Log

Well, I started the month off by revisiting some of my neglected accounts. At the time of the last post, I only encountered accounts 2-5 on web because they were close together. I found two other accounts, one of which also has a 2-star Earth Spirit Totem.

In total, I'm playing on seven web servers and one FB servers which is eight accounts total. It's been a very busy September to say the least. I've been playing on my 130 accounts for so long, that I've forgotten how long it actually takes to level up.

Area of Conquest Returns

In addition to checking in with my accounts, I went to participate in Area of Conquest with these accounts in addition to my main two accounts. There was a drastic difference this time around. My main FB account which did so-so in the first rendition of the event, actually fared better in terms of points earning.

This is in contrast to my oldest two web accounts which didn't fare well with the points earnings. On the upside, the guilds I got paired with weren't into the fighting aspect of the game mode which was a major relief. Same scenario for the additional 2-accounts that I found.

Of the eight, my FB account and three of my web accounts didn't have to worry about earning points upgrading the castle. Which, of course, I stopped with the upgrades after Level 11 (FB)/10 (Web). I actually got curious about the other guilds on this one.

For my FB account, I was paired with three other guilds. Guild occupancy was under 30 and one had an active guild member but they weren't participating in the event. For my S1 web account, I was paired with guilds that had less than 30 occupants in contrast to my full 30.

That said, there's 2-ish active - counting me - for my guild while the others had between 3 to 8 active players each that were participating in the event. My second account on S2 had a similar scenario. I was paired with other guilds that had less than 30 occupants.

There were 2-ish (the second just came on recently) for my guild. For the first place guild, there were 4-active participants of 8. For the third place guild, 4 of 7 were participating in the event. For fourth place, there was only 1 of 20 participating in the event.

The remaining three accounts (part of the main five) were paired with other guilds of one. The two newly discovered accounts had similar situations as my S1 and 2 accounts.

Guild Boss Battles


The main three (FB + 2 web accounts) are doing more or less the same damage with slight increases each week. Some how, I keep forgetting to do minion fights for my S1 account despite using a checklist to ensure I don't forget. I was determined not to forget the minion fights for the last fight of the month.

Well, I remembered but was greeted with something new: a new Guild Boss.

The Phantom Orchestra

To round out the month, we got a new boss to fight. This new boss was a doozy. My heavy hitting teams for Osh, aren't heavy hitters against Maestro and his orchestra. 

I'll use my Facebook account as an example since it's more built up. My top three teams for Osh typically do 4-million, 7-million and 9 to 10-million damage each to the Level 105 boss. Teams 4 and 5: 2-million and 3-million.

These teams when fighting the new boss at Level 65: four of the five did damage in the one-million range. While a pain, this boss did create a first for me - I actually recorded the fight sessions. Surprisingly enough I manage to pick up some stuff about my teams and will, for my FB account at least, rearrange my lineup for this particular boss.

Don't get your hopes up as I don't understanding specifics for why such and such heroes work, only that certain heroes - that I have built up - do a little more against the boss. The only thing I can somewhat say positively, is that Merlin, Albus and maybe Biscuit as team pet may be of use here. I learned this from my web accounts as my FB one only has Fenris, Khorus and Albus at violet rank.


Can't upload images so I'll just type. My main/first web account was testing grounds for the boss fight since the new update went live on there first. Like Osh, I started with the low team and ended with high team.

Team 1:

Thea      70   4-stars    Violet 2           Axel

Artemis 90   Absolute Violet 2          Fenris

Aidan    90   4-stars     Violet 3         Khorus

Lars      70   Absolute  Violet            Mara

K'arkh   70   Absolute  Violet 2        Vex

Fenris   101  4-stars      Blue 2

Team 2:

Iris       120   4-stars      Orange

Amira  115   3-stars      Violet 1

Maya   100   Absolute  Violet 1          Axel

Elmir   105   4-stars      Violet            Fenris

Corvus 109  5-stars       Violet 2

Merlin   77   3-stars      Green 1

Team 3:

Polaris   95   Absolute   Orange           Khorus

Celeste 115  Absolute    Violet 3         Axel

Arachne 90  Absolute    Violet 3         Mara

Kayla     90  4-stars        Orange

Galahad 90  Absolute    Violet 3         Fenris

Merlin   78   3-stars        Blue 2

Team 4:

Martha     100  Absolute    Violet 3      Axel

Sebastian 102  Absolute    Violet 3      Fenris

Nebula     105 Absolute    Violet 2

Jhu           100 Absolute    Orange        Vex

Isaac        100 Absolute    Orange

Merlin       78 3-stars        Blue 2

Team 5:

Lian          110  Absolute    Orange 3     Khorus

Daredevil  110  Absolute    Orange 2    Vex

Qing Mao 112  Absolute    Orange 2     Fenris

Yasmine    110  Absolute    Orange 2

Andvari     118  Absolute    Orange 2     Mara

Merlin         78  3-stars        Blue 2

Out of the five, only two were built with a purpose. The others were thrown together and they surprisingly work - for the most part any way. As you can see, I switched team pets during fight two.

Come fight three, I managed to upgrade said pet by 2-ranks and 1-level. It helped some but the main thing that was doing a number on the fights was the switching between realities. For the last fight, I stayed in the Astral reality for majority of the match.

One of the notable differences with this match was that Merlin did more damage. A major pain occurrence is the stunning of the first 3 heroes. That said, my web heroes didn't stay stunned for long while my FB heroes were stunned for a good bit of the fight.

As an aside, remember when I mentioned how this was the first that I recorded a boss fight? Well, this is also the first that I actually played with the background music on. Any way, I do have some ideas of how to approach this boss when they appear again.

Nothing major, but a little experiment based on heroes that did the most damage. Hope I can do more next time around.

The Revived Accounts

That was quite the discovery with the accounts. Still a bit bummed that the accounts I didn't visit consistently, if at all, have 2-star totems. If we do Letter to Winterclaus this year, I hope we can get all 3-gifts this time around instead of one.

Not much else was going on except for me being sick and not checking in as often as I would like but I'm making some progress with the accounts. Still trying to figure out a way to speed level the accounts that are behind. It's going to be difficult since four of them don't have a Golden Ticket [the one from Winter Fest that lets you raid campaigns].

Despite the rocky month, I'm actually looking forward to October's events.


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