Hero Wars Dominion: February 2025

Tournament of Power (continued)

January 28 - February 1

We're on the last day of the event. After looking through my accounts, the number of participants vary; at times drastically. My FB account is the more interesting, as it's older, and I'm 15 out of 18 participants. Compare that with my youngest (on web) account where I'm 52 out of 183.

It's an okay event that can be completed just from doing dailies and Guild Quests. I can somewhat see what they're trying to do with this event; however, it's not the type of event that fits what most players are accustomed to at this point. Hopefully, there's a feedback survey or some kind of Q&A for improvements.

Power of the Titans & Foundations of Power

February 1 - 3 & 3 - 5

Nice events for getting titan resources. Usually my older account gets a lot of resources during these events, but this time around the earnings were a little low. Same could be said for my younger accounts.

Area of Conquest

February 4 - 7

Some players are having a hard time understanding that not everyone is experiencing this event the same. Some are in competitive match ups while others are not. Some are in full capacity guilds while others are not. Yet, one of the top suggestions that keeps getting made is for all earned coins to go directly to upgrading the castle instantly.

Concerns were raised about this suggestion as it could be detrimental to participation overall. In addition to this, castle leveling rewards aren't that great (especially for the free path), majority of the rewards are event specific and it takes a lot of coins just to reach max levels. Moreover, ranking rewards do not rotate as we've had the same patterns for the last several iterations of the event.

It's an okay game mode but there are little opportunities for players to earn coins outside of map chests, capturing and fighting. Yes there are event quests but those can be difficult to complete especially the ones that require fighting in the game mode. I don't mind co-op modes to an extent, but at this point I'm becoming less of a fan.

Guild War is a non-issue but these other co-op modes, especially the ones tied to valuable resources, are causing a lot of unnecessary stress and friction within some guilds.

Guardians of Outland & Legacy of the Great Ones

February 5 - 7 & 7 - 9

Mellow events for the most part that don't have a lot of requirements. Was excited for Legacy of the Great Ones because it meant I could get some much needed artifacts for my heroes. Still playing catch up at this point but was able to get two of the WIP heroes Books and Rings leveled to where I want them.

After those two were squared away, I worked on a third to get their book up and built up their ring. The weapon was upgraded a little, but didn't want to put too much into it since it wasn't on the itinerary.

Cosmic Battle

February 8 - 11

Can't tell you how much I dislike this event. Still confused with how and why some players vote the way they do for this event. I have a rule to only vote for heroes I don't have leveled up and who I don't see a lot of. 

For this round of Cosmic Battle, my main team was dismantled after voting concluded on the 8th. So I had to throw together another team to participate. Last CB I was able to earn enough to purchase an equipment item to get Thea to Red.

Despite earning some coins, it wasn't enough to get any gear items so I settled for the artifact chests. What made this round more grating it the fact that the majority of my opponents were of a higher power level. It was like Tournament of Elements all over again.

Portal Anomaly

February 10 - 12

Grand Prize: 330 Kayla Soul Stones, Very Rare: Alvanor
Grand Prize: Kayla Soul Stones
It's essentially Rarity Fair but for pets. Competed some of the simple quests and earned some resources; but not enough to make a dent at the moment.

Elemental Synergy

February 12 - 14

Actually enjoying this event; a first in a long time. I'm getting more titan stuff though I'm still a long way away from where I would like to be with my titans. Also hit the jackpot of sorts during this event while working on the hero summoning tasks: 330 Kayla soul stones.

She's already at Absolute Star but getting the 330 soul stones helped with the hero soul stone task.

Time of Love

February 13 - 15

Polaris' Romantic Skin
Polaris' new skins. Got the Cyber one from
Winterfest Shop.
Good news, Polaris got a Romantic Skin. Bad news, it's a repeat of her Cyber Skin (i.e. pay-walled). There are also Affections Boxes that can be earned from buying and spending Emeralds.

Like previous themed boxes, they contain soul stones of heroes with romantic skins with the exception of Cleaver and Jet. Even though Cleaver doesn't have a Romantic skin he may get one some time in the future (based on the wording). It's interesting because I still remember a past hero skin stone event box where we could actually get Jet soul stones and it was enjoyable while it lasted.

Guess I'm going to have to wait until her skin becomes available through another means. I get skins for cosmetic purposes first because I like to change my characters' look every once in a while. That being said, it doesn't apply to all heroes.

Galahad & Hero Brawl

February 14 - 16

Started the event after work at 1-something this morning. It was bugged. Couldn't set a defense team, had limited amount of heroes available, and was paired with opponents that were using heroes that weren't available to me during the start of the event. Several hours later, the bugs were rectified.

With that said, it was an interesting event. Since Galahad is in my main team, a lot of the quests were completed automatically. The brawl side of the event is hit and miss.

Brawls are more tolerable than Cosmic Battles because heroes are maxed. On the other side of things, there's limitations in place. Namely, you get a limited number of lives (5) that don't refresh once they're gone.

Even though you don't lose a life unless you lose a match, the whole idea behind restricting fight attempts feels pointless. The plus side to the event is the Brawl Shop which I'm kind of torn on what to buy as one of the heroes I'm working on needs a lot of at least two of the items that are featured. While I'm earning a nice amount of coins, they go awfully fast.

Tournament of Power

February 17 - 21

Tournament of Power Round 2 Rankings
The end result for my FB account.
Saw this at last minute. Some improvements were included this time around where rewards were extended past 3rd and the daily rewards are actually useful. Completing daily/weekly tasks has helped with the daily 4,000.

In addition to this, the Galahad Brawl shop provided some resources to help with two heroes that I've been working on getting caught up for the teams they're in for Guild Raid. As an added bonus, I'm also getting some greater insignia and crystals. The only downside to these is that the type gifted is random.

In addition to this, I'm making progress on my little To Do List that I'm actually sticking to. With the exception of a slight mix up where I equipped an item to the wrong hero not realizing it until late because the hero it was meant for had the exact same spot vacant for said item. There's one task left on the To Do List that I'm hoping can be completed by the end of the month.

It's the end of the event and the outcome was interesting (for my FB account mainly). Everything was at a standstill for a good while with me actually being at 4th. Dozed off at the computer for about an hour or so and woke up to find myself at 5th and a mystery player in the number one spot.

I say mystery because it felt like they came out of nowhere - meaning I don't recall seeing them on the list. Before their appearance, the first place spot had a little over 56K points. When the over 102K person showed up, the 56K person dropped to 2nd and finished the event with over 90K points.

In a nutshell, everyone was knocked down a spot. While the event was nicer this time around, it still would be nice if all participants got something at the end regardless of where they placed.

Time of the Fearless & Ascension to Asgard

February 21 - 23

These two events started at the same time. It's nice for the most part as some of the tasks overlap with Tournament of Power tasks. Getting items from Asgard is still slow going.

Ascension Spire upgrades are at a standstill. At any given time, I'm running out gold, insignias, crystals and Eternal Seeds. Rarely do I run out of Ancient Wisdom Crystals and Star Mana. When it's not any of the above, it's usually the hero's rank; red rank is a requirement for the final level of Ascension.

Weaving Patterns

February 22 - 24

The season-like format returns and it's not pleasant. Just looking at the quests and you can tell that not many players will be able to finish this event in its entirety. Especially considering how we just came from several events that required the same or similar resources.

On top of this, there's a much anticipated Titan Brawl coming up that will need some of the resources as well. Main focus is going to be on completing the dailies and some of the season tasks.

Moloch's Brawls

February 26 - 28

Pretty straightforward. Since it's a Moloch's Brawl, you have to have Moloch in your lineup for attacks but not defense unless you're building a fire team. Fared well with the fights and earned enough Brawl Coins to get Gleaming Seals - the hardest things to get from titan themed events. The main positive from this is that I only have one Light Titan to upgrade.

Folio Event

February 24 - March 2

Folio is the latest addition to the hero roster. He's making his way over from the mobile platform but it's still unknown how he'll function since we know he's going to be different in some shape or form. Pre-orders for getting him early was from February 17 - 21.

This is the first event where I didn't reserve resources for the new hero. Not that it mattered considering the type of heroes that are currently in my main teams. The event launched as scheduled and I mainly focused on completing the story missions and mini tasks.

Haven't touched the Workshop yet as I'm not entirely sure on what I plan to do there. That said, I did participate in the Treasury. Similar to the TMNT event from last 2024, there is a relic that creates golden vases that grant bonus rewards.

February 27 Update: Kind of a first but I've actually been participating in the boss event - Triumph of the Mind. Gave up on past boss missions because they were difficult and called for a lot of patience. This time around, things were more manageable.

The main pain points is the need for buffs and the limited hero roster. Team-build tutorials are helping; however, it feels like things are changing on the fly. For example, I fought the 160 boss on my FB account and had little to no issues using my own team build (no buffs).

Going over to my web account, I fight the same boss and run into all sorts of trouble. It was confusing considering I just fought this team with no issues. As a result, I had to consult the tutorials but even then things were hectic.

Eventually, things worked out before I took a break. I'm currently using my web account as a testing grounds before moving forward on my FB account.

Looking Ahead: March 2025

February's To Do List is complete. I'm currently working on my March To Do List for my main account and am still trying to decide how to go about planning [there are live events at the moment that have some stuff that could be useful for this]. At the moment, focus is on 4-heroes and there might be a 5th depending on how things go.


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