Hexa Jigsaw Puzzle App

Who doesn't love a good puzzle game? My puzzle game history includes Winx Puzzle, Unblock Me, Sudoku, Rubix Cube Classic, Mahjong and some Arkadium titles. So it was interesting to be introduced to a puzzle game that was more than just sliding things into place; especially for my phone.

Introducing: Hexa Jigsaw Puzzle

I was hesitant at first because the game was a new concept for me and wasn't sure if I was going to like it. Fast forward some months and it surfaces again as an offer for earning points. While still hesitant, the game itself was still appealing so the game was downloaded to the phone.

How It Works

While complex sounding, Hexa Jigsaw has a simple approach. You are given a series of pieces comprised of either one or many hexagon shapes. These pieces have to be arranged on the provided hexa grid to form a complete picture.

Each of these puzzles are placed in a themed group where once twenty-five puzzles are completed, you are rewarded with coins which can then be redeemed for hints. There are also daily puzzles that can be solved for coins along with a weekly puzzle that grants a bonus once all fragments of the overall picture is solved. Stars are earned for completed puzzles which are used to unlock more puzzles.

The Puzzle Solving Experience

The puzzles are fun, engaging and the finished pieces are inviting; especially the food ones. That said, some puzzles can be challenging. This is due to some pieces looking the same; like the fireworks piece I worked on a few stages ago.

Other than that majority of the puzzles, at current, are pretty straight forward. That said, you may get stuck from time to time which may call for the use of the hint button at the bottom of the screen.

Likes & Dislikes

I like how you earn coins from completing each puzzle. Regardless if they're daily, weekly or normal puzzles, you still earn coins. The eye catching imagery of each finished piece is just mesmerizing. Not only that, but the occasional mini tournaments where you compete to win a nice sized coin prize.

That said, I really dislike the coin and star earning approach. While you do earn coins for completing puzzles, it's not a lot. Four to five coins are earned per puzzle while twenty-five is earned per puzzle set.

Hence my little happy place with the mini tournaments as you have a chance to earn lots of much needed coins. Not only are they used for hints, but for unlocking additional puzzles. Then there are the stars.

Remember that mini tournament I mentioned earlier? Well, your rank is dependent on the number of stars you collect within the designated timeframe. The problem? You only earn one (1) star for completing a puzzle.

For some, it will be viewed as a minor set back; however, if you're doing this for a point offer, you're going to have to hunker down for a while.

The Hexa Jigsaw Puzzle App Experience Overall

Lots of colorful puzzles, interesting themes and different ways to earn coins as well as stars. While I do enjoy the puzzles, the things I can do without are the ads. Now with Word Life there were ads, but the subject of those ads were tolerable.

This was the first that I got ads that were... Let's just say I'm surprised those particular apps exist. The ads also appear every few rounds so hunkering down for a star objective may be a bit of a stretch; especially if you've opted out of the no ads offer.

With all of that said, it's an interesting game app. Plus, it's highly encouraged that you participate in the mini tournaments as that's the main source of coins in decent sums.


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