June 2022 Report
June has been a so-so month for gaming. Made it to Level 227 in Pop Slots, went back to playing Mall World on and off, and made some progress on my main Hero Wars account.The main highlight of the three games is that I've managed to build up my Hero Wars heroes to a decent point.
Hero Wars: Osh Fight Notes
Even though my heroes have been upgraded a bit, I'm still far from where I would like to be. My Osh fights have improved, and the damage output for my main three teams remain consistent. The last battle of the month resulted in my main team doing over 3-million damage to the boss (boss damage is usually lower than overall damage).
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June 26 Fight Results for Main 3 |
My non-main teams did over 4-million and 5-million damage each respectively to the boss. I've been documenting my Osh fights somewhat consistently since April 2022. By documenting, I'm talking about writing stuff down and not just doing screen shots.
From April 3 to June 3, my top three teams have dealt boss damage that stayed between the 3-million and 5-million range. June 10 and 18 were the only two fights to-date where the max damage was over 6-million. The Isaac team is responsible for this high number, and as for why the numbers dropped back to 5-million after this is anyone's guess.
Looking back, my main team has never gone beyond the 4-million damage range (boss damage, not overall damage). Not only this, but the damage output fluctuates between 3 and 4-million. Of the three, the Isaac team is the only one with consistent damage output.
With the June 26 Osh fight, I only used three teams instead of five because I forgot to do the fights early and was cutting it close. The other two teams are low-tier but output some boss damage. No work is being done on them at the moment, but hopefully some time in the future I can build them up as well.
Noted Events
The following are a list of events that took place in June - not in order:
- Hero Dolls - Artemis, Faceless and Qing Mao
- Legacy of the Great Ones - Titan Artifacts
- Scorching Days - Fire Titan Event
- Pirate's Treasure - Random Item Game
- Dominion Day - lots of reward chests
- Peppy - Hero of the Month
- Ascension Season 2 Begins
Honorable mentions include Demon Dolls and the community poll for July's Hero of the Month.
While the Demon Dolls event was enjoyable, I miss the other dolls we were introduced to in 2021. The three dolls I want to see most are the ones for Loyal Companions, Fair Wind and Otherworldly. Of course the tasks will have to be different and last for at least 3-days.
The community poll for July's HoTM is an honorable mention because the bulk of votes fell upon a hero whose soul stones aren't easy to obtain; at least on a consistent basis. By the time I got the link, Coco (Corvus) was already leading the way. June was an interesting month to say the least.
We're 6-days into July and I've already flubbed my streak with completing in-game tasks. At least I haven't forgotten Guild Raids, Guild War and Arena.
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