August 2022 Report

Upgrade Progress

Hero Wars Web Orange +2 Heroes
Orange +2 Web Team
The biggest news thus far in my Hero Wars progress is getting my main five heroes on my main web account to Orange +2. A little progress was made on my main FB account and I went back to playing on one of my paused web accounts.

Back in July, I started playing on my main web account again. When I took leave, my main five were at the early stages of Orange +1. By mid-August, everyone was promoted to Orange +2.

Promoting is on pause for this account for the time being as I'm trying to assess where I'm at build-wise. For Facebook, I managed to do 7-million damage to Osh using my Isaac team. Which isn't bad considering I only purchased three buffs for the final fight of the month.

Not much upgrading took place this month, but thanks to some high resource spending I'm on damage control. That said, I'm back to doing Dungeon and the Air Ship on a more consistent basis. At the very last moment, I started back playing on my second web account.

It's a Level 97 account that was started to create and test a dodge-like team. A revisit was made to test out one of my top three teams from FB. I went this route because I didn't want to go through those tutorials and I had most of the resources needed; especially since focus was squarely on the main five.

This experiment began on August 28. All of the heroes that are part of the team I want to build is at Blue Level and waiting to be promoted to Blue +1. Everything else is on standby.

Some Events and New Pet

Hero Wars New Pet Khorus
Khorus, Web Account 2
Champions Season 2 began earlier this month and is winding down. Both FB and Web accounts kept up for the most part, but FB has more of an advantage. There was also a skin event where K'arkh, Satori and Galahad got new Celestial Skins.

I got the new skin for my Galahad as he needed a new look; which is pretty cool looking. Of the events that came out during August the Ascension to Asgard, in my opinion, was one of disappointment. I didn't have anywhere near the amount of resources needed to participate fully, but at least I got some much needed crystals.

Towards the end of the month, we were introduced to a new pet. He's a raven named Khorus and was introduced with a 7-day event. As new pet events tend to go, I usually don't get past the 3-star point.

For the two mains and the revived account, I was able to summon him. My main FB account and my second web account got Khorus to 3-star. On my main web account, I got him to 4-stars.

I had two other web accounts that were on pause but decided to give them a look over to see how they would do with the event (out of curiosity). I visited them around the same time I revisited account two. Despite making some nice progress I couldn't summon the pet as I was below Level 40.

Attention quickly shifted back to the other three accounts. I was somewhat close on my FB account to getting Khorus to 4-stars; however, I didn't have enough energy nor enough pet summoning eggs to get the needed amount of chronicles to raid the bosses for freed souls. That said, the amount I had didn't go to waste.

On another note, pet Fenris (on FB) is at 5-Stars and almost at max. I'm low on chaos particles again and am patiently waiting for my portal charges to replenish.

Looking Back and Ahead

Absolute star titans and 5-star Eden
8 of 12 Titans on FB acct. Eden is almost at
Absolute Star statusl
I've been doing my best to get everyone to where they need to be while trying to conserve resources for major events; most notably Spooky Festival and Winterfest. Despite the list of events that took place in August, it felt like the calm before the storm; and I'm not talking about the Great Storm event. Earlier in the month it was announced that we were getting new titans, new elemental spirit totems along with a new game mode.

I'm not concerned about the new game mode as I'm not in a gold nor silver guild. However, the new titans and totems do come as a concern. While I somewhat look forward to these newcomers, not enough details have been released, yet, about how summoning and upgrading will work since they may/may not use the same resources that the Earth/Water/Fire titans use.

At the moment, my FB account is the only one with majority of the titans at absolute star; Eden is the only one left. For now, I'm going to try to keep pace with completing daily tasks so I can get back to my usual in-game routine.

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